Thursday, June 18, 2015

What are the best methods for end of tenancy window cleaning in Earlsfield?

Windows are one of the most prominent parts of your home and almost any guest who comes in will notice it or glance out. Even if you are not receiving guests, would you like to see the beautiful view outside marred by dirty smudges, hand prints or water marks? Obviously not! The real trouble comes when you are reaching the end of your tenancy agreement and discover the horrible state of your windows. Prudent Cleaning Services are experts at end of tenancy cleaning employ brilliant cleaning recipes for window glass, tracks and blinds to keep up their high quality of work. 

Window blinds


Blinds are meant to shield you from the harsh sun, windy days and dust storms but what of the porr things themselves? One day you have them installed and a few days later, they are coated with an astonishing amount of dirt and dust! That just won’t do so here is a safe cleaning recipe that you can easily make from items found in your kitchen. White vinegar has a good percentage of an organic acid called acetic acid, which even when diluted with water and sprayed on blinds works as a great cleaner. 

Window glass


To keep your windowpanes squeaky clean create a mixture of a dish washing drying aid, rubbing alcohol, dish washing soap and ammonia in hot water. Spray this on the window glass and let it stay for a few minutes. Wipe it off with a long handled microfiber brush and rinse with water then leave to dry. Another method is to mix vinegar and rubbing alcohol in water and spraying it over the dirty glass before wiping to get incredible results.

Slide tracks


The state of the tracks of your sliding widows is often disgusting because it mostly ignored or found to troublesome to clean. Here is an easy way to get out of the whole messy situation. Start by using a handheld vacuum to suck up all the accumulated dirt from the side track. Then the dirt stuck to the sides will be left which can be loosened with a small brush having stiff bristles. Mix an all purpose household cleaner in warm water and pour some onto the side tracks. Use the brush to scrub away any remaining dirt. Rinse with clean warm water and dry with paper towels to get the perfect finish.

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